Saturday, September 15, 2012

Reverence for God

Deuteronomy is the book in the Bible, and like the ones before it (Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers) deals with instructions God gave the people of Israel after He rescued them from slavery in Egypt.  He declared them His people and demanded their respect and worship.  I think it's important today too because how much is God respected in the mainstream of our society now?  How many people truly live for Him?  In the New Testament, Jesus was born and revealed that we are all God's people.  But what does Jesus have to do with the Books of the Old Testament?  John 1:1 (GNT) says "Before the world was created, the Word already existed; He was with God, and He was the same as God.  From the very beginning the Word was with God.  Through Him, God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without Him.  The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to mankind."  Then  John 1:14 (GNT) says, "The Word became a human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us.  We saw His glory, the glory which He received as the Father's only Son."

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