"But God's Mercy is so abundant, and His Love for us is so great." (Ephesians 2:4 GNT)
This speaks so much to me. I had a vision Saturday night, if I may call it that, that confounded me.
In worship at Mercy Chapel. The words of the song brought this to mind and I felt it. Just picture this: you are on the ground under the weight of a big cross you're trying to hold up. This cross is all of your sins, everything you did wrong against someone else and to yourself - and above all, to God. It's all your guilts, your faults, your hurtful ways, your lusts and greeds, your resentments, jealousies, judgments against others, your prejudices, your shames, everything bad about you. It's all there and you have to carry it for miles and you can't even get up; it's so heavy.
Then you see Jesus coming to you. He crouches down to your level. He is so gentle, almost meek (for lack of a better word), in His approach to you. He's saying, "May I help you with this? Please let me help you." And only with your permission - He doesn't help you carry it - He takes it from you completely and carries it Himself (which is to the destination of torture, mutilation and death -- your punishment, your death He is going to take for you and then throw it all away, for you.
It just confounded me His gentleness as He came to me. There was no judgment or anger or authoritativeness or admonishment or demonstration of His Omnipotent Power in this moment - all of which He truly has but I did not feel from Him in this single moment. He was just so gentle and loving. It was like someone handling a new-born baby. So gentle and endearing. Have you ever thought of Jesus in just this way?