There is so much posted about 9-11 and very understandably so. But there is one vital point that noone's seem to touch on. The book The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn gives specific points that indicate it may also have warnings from God. All these specific warning signs happened with 9-11 in the exact same order that the same elements occurred to the Israelites as desribed in Isaiah beginning with Isaiah 9:10 when the Israelites rebelled against God, determined to build up on their own without Him. In short, I say this: This country we live in, America, that in its inception was dedicated to God, better turn back to God. THE MORE WE TURN AWAY FROM GOD, THE MORE VULNERABLE WE BECOME TO DANGER, TO ATTACKS FROM EVIL INTENTIONS IN THIS WORLD. The Bible says, "If God be for us, who be against us." If we are not seeking God and want to fight our battles alone, than we will fight our battles ALONE. And God help us then! Watch this video....