Saturday, December 20, 2014

God fully forgives and forgets our sins

From Pastor Rex Holt, Mercy Chapel....

I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” - Isaiah 43:25 NIV

Spurgeon wrote for all of us, “None but God would ever have thought of justifying me. I am a wonder to myself. I doubt not that grace is equally seen in others. Look at Saul of Tarsus, who foamed at the mouth, against God's servants. Like a hungry wolf, he worried the lambs and the sheep right and left; and yet God struck him down on the road to Damascus, and changed his heart, and so fully justified him that before long, this man became the greatest preacher of justification by faith that ever lived. He must often have marveled that he was justified by faith in Christ Jesus; for he was once a determined stickler for salvation by the works of the law. None but God would have ever thought of justifying such a man as Saul the persecutor; but the Lord God is glorious in grace.”

God fully forgives and forgets our sins. He blots them out. They are no more. Read carefully the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) and see how the forgiving father received the returning wanderer with as much love as if he had never gone away, never wasted his fortune, and had never defiled himself with harlots. So far did he carry this that the elder brother began to grumble at it; but the father never withdrew his love. If you will only come back to your Father, He will treat you as if you had never done wrong! He will regard you as just, and deal with you as a beloved son.

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