When we see just HOW MUCH Jesus loves us, it changes us forever.
Haven Today Ministries (haventoday.org) shared this message last night with a sweet story about a woman who was so depressed one morning, sitting at her kitchen table. She often fed the mockingbirds who would come to her window.
While she was sitting there, a mockingbird flew up to her window and started tapping on it to get her attention.
Then he flew up into a tree just outside her window and began singing his little heart out, song after song, as only a mockingbird can.
What a wonderful way Jesus showed His love for her in that moment.
Haven Today Ministries (haventoday.org) shared this message last night with a sweet story about a woman who was so depressed one morning, sitting at her kitchen table. She often fed the mockingbirds who would come to her window.
While she was sitting there, a mockingbird flew up to her window and started tapping on it to get her attention.
Then he flew up into a tree just outside her window and began singing his little heart out, song after song, as only a mockingbird can.
What a wonderful way Jesus showed His love for her in that moment.

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